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The Pellicle Podcast Ep21 — Paul Jones of Cloudwater Brew Co, Manchester

The Pellicle Podcast Ep21 — Paul Jones of Cloudwater Brew Co, Manchester

In this episode Matthew catches up with Paul Jones, owner and founder of Cloudwater Brew Co. in Manchester, to chat about how the brewery has changed since it was founded just over six years ago, the Manchester beer scene, the brewery's activism, recent business decisions, and its delicious beers.

When Cloudwater Brew Co. was founded in Manchester six years ago I was desperate to be the first to get the scoop on this exciting new brewery. This opportunity came in September 2015, when on a typically rainy Manchester day I met a smiling Paul Jones—the brewery’s often outspoken owner and founder—at the entrance of his brewery for a tour, tasting and interview. The article I would subsequently write was published by Good Beer Hunting in January 2016, and was one of the first proper dives into what motivates Jones and his brewery, which at the time was single-mindedly focused on producing what it described as “Modern Seasonal Beer.”

On re-reading the article in late 2020 it felt to me like it was written about what could be a different brewery. Yes, Cloudwater is still focused on producing high-quality, seasonally reflective beer, but in the years that have passed since, they’ve become something more. Not only has Jones grown his workforce from just six to over 50 people, but the brewery pays what is an industry-leading wage and is heavily invested in activism. From supporting charities like The Racial Justice Network, to giving breweries like Rock Leopard, Eko and Queer Brewing what Jones describes as a “leg up” by giving them time and space to make beer on its equipment, to its groundbreaking Wayfinder scheme, Cloudwater has since become a great deal more than merely the sum of its parts. 

This is not without some controversy. The decision to bring sales in house during the pandemic to, as Jones puts it “protect his staff” temporarily cutting off independent retailers from its beers caused a certain amount of ire. This was amplified in early 2021 when the brewery reversed its decision to list in national grocery chains, listing four beers contract brewed by BrewDog, no less, into Tesco. However, this also gave it the opportunity to further the platform of the Black and LGTBQ+ owned breweries it was working with by also giving them a national supermarket listing, the first instance of this happening in the UK. If you also consider that Cloudwater did not make a single redundancy during the pandemic, Paul’s malleability in terms of his decision making might not seem so controversial to some.  

In this interview we discuss all of this and more. It’s been a busy few years for Paul Jones and Cloudwater, so this felt like the ideal way to reflect on them, on the Manchester scene, and how its own beers have changed and developed during this time. Please enjoy this fascinating, hour long conversation with one of the most vocal members of the UK beer industry.

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